Enrolment & Tours
If you are wishing to enrol at Niddrie Primary School please check to ensure we are your local designated neighbourhood school at www.findmyschool.vic.gov.au If we are your local school click on the enrolment form link to the right and download our current enrolment form. Please be aware that you will need to provide a birth certificate, immunisation certificate and proof of residential address.
Niddrie Primary School enacts the Department’s Placement Policy. A copy of this policy can be found at https://www2.education.vic.gov.au/pal/enrolment/guidance/placement-policy
School Tours
School tours commence from term 2 for students starting the following year.
Enrolment Dates
We are now accepting enrolments.
The Enrolment Process Explained
Step 1 – Enrolment Form: Download and Complete
(These forms are also available in hard copy from our school’s office)
Getting To Know Your Child
Enrolment Documentation Checklist For Parents 2025
Step 2 – Proof of Age
Locate your child’s birth certificate or passport to prove they turn 5 years of age on or before April 30th of the year they commence Foundation.
Step 3 – Immunisation History
Locate your child’s Immunisation History Statement that includes the statement ‘This child has received all vaccines required by 5 years of age’.
Step 4 – Proof of Residence
Provide the school with documents of Proof Of Residence. The 100 point checklist attached can show you a list of supporting documents.
Step 5 – Bring all documents to the school OR download, fill out, and return by email to: niddrie.ps@education.vic.gov.au